Soroban Mental Math
From $115/month | For kids 5-11 | Group
Soroban is an ancient Japanese method of calculation in the brain. Abacus is a tool to help count, which in the modern World we call "calculator".
Soroban Mental Math
From $115/month | For kids 5-11 y.o. | Group
Soroban is an ancient Japanese method of calculation in the brain. Abacus is a tool to help count, which in the modern World we call "calculator".
Program Schedule
The General Program lasts 2 years
1st Topic: Simple Numbers
2nd Topic: Brothers
3rd Topic: Friends
4th Topic: Brothers+Friends
Achievements of Soroban school
Success of Soroban school is a success of its students, their achievements and triumphs
  • 90% of all Soroban school students demonstrate first results after the first two lessons
  • Soroban school is the only school in the world implemented intellectual homework for each student
  • There is the proprietary methodology of multiplication unrivaled throughout the world only in Soroban
  • Soroban is the only school launched its project 55+ and taught senior people visual counting
Soroban Benefits
We help the child to develop necessary personal qualities, skills, talents that will make them succeed in the future.
  • Two hemispheres
    The arithmetic task ( left hemisphere) is converted into pictures on an abacus (right hemisphere). The children not only remember the number, they "see" it in their head.
  • Fine motor skills
    The counting process in the head begins through the abacus. By moving the small beads on the abacus help to develop fine motor skills.
  • Figurative thinking
    Each number is a picture on an abacus. The children count in their head with a help of images and memorize the details of the picture.
  • Memory training
    There are many ways to improve memory. Children keep in mind long chains of calculations, memorize rules and train it every day for 15 minutes.
  • Attention concentration
    Working on the abacus requires concentration to get the correct answer even from very hyper child.
  • Multitasking
    After the first month of classes, the child will be able to add prime numbers and read a poem at the same time.
Choose your plan
Each lesson runs once per week. To purchase a Plan
start with choosing from the options below:

1 course
4 lessons / month
1 course
4 lessons / month
What clients say about us
  • Highly recommend this school if you are looking for mental math classes for your child. We started it couple of months ago, my son loves it- its fun, its computer game, its math and its brain training all in one.

    The teacher is amazing, my son can't wait till his next weekly online class starts.
  • Responsive and attentive teacher. Children understand instantly and the result is already visible very quickly.
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