Speed Cubing
$145/ month | For kids 7-11
Kids learn to assemble Rubik's Cube in a fun and interactive environment. Our method created by Soroban teachers and proven with a time.
Speed Cubing
$145/ month | For kids 7-11
Kids learn to assemble Rubik's Cube in a fun and interactive environment. Our method created by Soroban teachers and proven with a time.
Speed cubing is a good way to develop intelligence. Children learn to think logically, analyze information, work with algorithms, build a sequence of actions and apply them in work.
Speed Cubing Benefits
Children master the basics of stereometry, isometry and develop imagination.
  • Planning ahead
    The cube forces the child to choose the right assembly path, which leads it to choose the right way out of a difficult situation few steps ahead.
  • Fine motor skills
    The development of fine motor skills is associated with the nervous system, vision, attention, memory and perception of the child while the assemble Rubik's Cube
  • Memorization
    The child will be trained to remember the secret formulas that will lead to the next step of assembling Rubik's Cube. Develop short-term and long-term memory.
  • Logical thinking
    A child with a developed logic differs favorably from peers. It is easier for him to learn, understand and memorize the material.
  • Attention concentration
    Once you are in – you are IN! There is no way out, but to concentrate on the task for a successful results.
  • Speed
    Successful SpeedCubers of Soroban School can assemble Rubik's Cube in less than 20 sec. The results are astonishing. Your child can be the next Hero!
Choose your plan
Each lesson runs once per week. To purchase a Plan
start with choosing from the options below:

1 course
4 lessons / month
1 course
4 lessons / month
What clients say about us
  • Highly recommend this school if you are looking for mental math classes for your child. We started it couple of months ago, my son loves it- its fun, its computer game, its math and its brain training all in one.

    The teacher is amazing, my son can't wait till his next weekly online class starts.
  • Responsive and attentive teacher. Children understand instantly and the result is already visible very quickly.
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